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How to attract clients with your nail photos & videos

By Scratch Staff | 22 November 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

Heart nails photo

Award-winning nail vlogger, Natasha Lee, reveals why you should embracing editing to creating striking nail snaps & content to attract attention…

Editing sounds daunting, and even though I spend about 80% of my time editing, it still causes me stress! However, for business promotion, a plethora of tools are available that are super user-friendly and do all of the hard work for you.

A couple of well-spent minutes can take your picture from just average to extremely eye-catching.

Make sure that you crop your pictures so that the nails are front and centre in the frame. Most phones now allow you to edit lighting, exposure, saturation and more within the photo album. Take a moment to make sure that you edit your pictures to make them bright and tweak them so that the true colours show accurately on camera.

If you are familiar with Instagram, you can use the edit option (I personally avoid the preset filters) but note that it will reduce the quality of the picture and that’s something that you want to avoid. If you have an Apple product, then it comes with iMovie, which is amazing for editing even really short videos. It’s very easy to use on the phone, tablet or desktop. If you have an Android product you can download Magisto.

There are some fabulous free and cheap apps available now to really ramp up your pictures and videos. Here are my top apps for pictures and videos.

Canva – This is amazing for creating professional images and text. If you want to create advertising posts with or without images, this is the app for you. You can completely personalise the images and they look like they have been professionally created, not whipped up quickly on a phone or tablet.

Pic Stitch – If you want to show a collage of images, then consider Pic Stitch. It’s free and has so much flexibility, meaning you can create exactly the post you desire.

KiraKira+ – The KiraKira+ app adds sparkle to pictures and is great to use on photos of glittery nails as the added sparkle can really catch the eyes of clients or followers scrolling through social media.

Magisto – This is an easy-to-use and very highly rated video editing app for Apple and Android. You can use it to add filters, music, effects and titles. It’s free if you stay on the basic level account.

Natasha won the Scratch Star Award for Best UK Nail Blogger 2018 and has launched her own line of nail art products and tools, available via