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How full coverage nail tips have grown my business

By Scratch Staff | 01 December 2020 | Business, Feature, Tech Talk, Technique

Full coverage tips
Scratch chats to Millie Donovan, brand ambassador for SNA Professional & owner of MBeauty, about how the full coverage Quick Tips system has helped her business bloom.

Millie Donovan

How have quick tips changed my business?
I have been a nail tech for just under two years now and I first qualified in gel and acrylic services. About a year ago I started to think about expanding what treatments I could offer but was struggling to think of the right one for my business.

I then came across full cover gel extensions. I loved the process of the treatment and the benefits you could have. However, I could not find the exact brand that I would of been happy to use for my clients, as well as finding the right course for me to attend.

It was then in early 2020 that I discovered Staffordshire Nail Academy on Instagram and saw it offered a course for its full cover gel extensions. From this point my business has already started to change.

Did you enjoy the training?
They are ideal for every client, whether they are seeking something natural or really extravagant, as well as the problematic clients who always get lifting. SNA Professional’s Quick Tips are a full cover tip, that has an apex already structured in, which means it does not have to be built up by the nail tech.

They come in various shapes and sizes but can also be shaped by yourself. My personal fave is long almond! They are applied with a base gel, meaning no glue is used and is extremely similar to having a natural gel manicure and also allow the treatment time to be a lot quicker than the other method I was using.

Lockdown had just begun in the UK when I first came across SNA. I was unable to work, so therefore had loads of time on my hands. I decided to take part in the online full cover gel extensions course, which was lead by Hannah Grabett. I love learning, especially when it comes to nails, so I knew this was going to be perfect for me.

Hannah was the most amazing teacher and even though the course was online it was so in-depth and I felt as if I learnt as much as possible to be able to offer the treatment. Not only was the course outstanding, SNA were so helpful with on going support and answering any questions I had. After this I was then able to start using the Quick Tips. It was revolutionary for me!

What has the system brought to your business?
Treatment times are something that everyone in the beauty industry are always focusing on. The quicker the treatment, the more clients you can see in the day – which could mean more money being made.

Quick Tips have meant that my clients getting extensions quicker. The appointment has gone from 1.5/2 hours to 1/1.5 hours, depending on the design. The main difference for me was the time difference between my plain acrylic sets and plain gel extension sets. Since I have started I have found that my passion for nails lies within the nail art and designs. Therefore, if I can cut a basic treatment time down, it leaves me with more time to do the intricate design sets.

What do your clients think? 
My clients were also really interested in this new treatment I was able to offer. They system is rare in my area in Hertfordshire, as not many salons offered it. That meant that Quick Tips allowed me to give my clients something new and unique to try, which definitely made more people show interest in my business and gave something for my clients to show off. This meant that over time more and more clients were asking to try this new process. The Quick Tips were basically doing the work for me as I didn’t have to force people to try them, they genuinely wanted to.

Another key thing I love about Quick Tips is the fact that it is best to reapply a new set every time. I find that this has been a big change for my clients instead of infills. It has meant that my clients natural nails are staying fresh and healthy, it is also really good for my clients to see the difference in the length of their natural nails after one appointment.

This has also allowed clients who want to grow their nails to have quick tips for just one appointment and then change the treatment to gels. At first a lot of clients were unsure of this process as they were worried this would again take a longer time, but due to the extensions being predominantly gel, they soak off nice and quickly.

I can’t wait to see what else Quick Tips will do for my small business. The nail industry is forever growing and changing, so why not grow with it and try this new and exciting treatment that everyone is talking about. Plus, MILLIE5 for a discount too!

For more information about the Quick Tips system & for training info, visit