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Goals you should set for your mobile nail business in 2024

By Guest Writer | 02 January 2024 | Business, Expert Advice, Feature

Goals 2024 clare woodcock

Scratch Stars Mobile Nailist of the Year 2022 & 2023, Clare Woodcock of The Nail Club, shares her advice on setting intentions for 2024…

Remind yourself to work smarter, not harder. Put systems and policies in place to create boundaries and take the emotion out of running your business. This will allow you to focus on doing what you enjoy. A website, booking system and accounting software will help you to stand out from the crowd, showcase your professionalism and make your life easier.

Increase your prices to reflect inflation. Raising them every year, or twice a year if needed, is fine. Let’s all make the nail industry a better place by recognising the value and worth that we provide!

This January, when you perhaps have a bit of downtime, reflect on the last year in business. Do an audit, set goals for the year ahead and create a vision board. For example, how many more clients do you want to attract? How much profit would you like to make? Do you seek more of a work-life balance?

It’s a good idea to reflect on your progress monthly. Congratulate yourself on your wins and stay focused on your goals and vision. This will help you and your business to bloom.

As for me, my intentions for 2024 are to kick my imposter syndrome out of the window for good. I’m going to set aside more time to grow my skills and business, which might mean rejigging my diary to better maximise my time. I’ll also be entering the Scratch Stars Awards 2024, to see if I can achieve Hall of Fame status. No pressure!

Join my Facebook group of supportive mobile techs here. It’s a place to ask questions related to working on a mobile basis and share tips.