Ensure optimum hygiene in the salon with these tips
By Scratch Staff | 05 February 2020 | Expert Advice, Feature

Jenn Linton and Jaye Macdonald, co-directors of Aberdeen-based salon Linton & Mac, share their tips for ensuring a spick and span salon for clients and a safe place to work for you…
“Maintaining a safe, secure and hygienic salon is super important, not only for your staff, but for any visitors or clients, too. Since salons use products and equipment that could harm both employees and clients, it is critical that salon managers and staff understand the safety, security and hygiene issues and procedures in the salon, and ensure these are always implemented.
“Hands must be washed regularly throughout the day and especially in-between clients. Remember to keep wash areas clean and tidy, too. Use an anti-bacterial product, and one that contains skin conditioners, so your hands don’t become rough or dry. After washing, use an alcohol-based sanitiser – this will provide further protection to both you and your client from cross infection.
“It’s super important that work surfaces are kept clean to prevent the risk of cross-infection. Don’t be tempted to buy cheap cleaning products, as these be ineffective. Phones, tills and keyboards can also be hosts to many germs; keep these clean with products that have been specially designed for these surfaces.
“All instruments and tools should be thoroughly sanitised in between clients, or sterilised where required. Fortunately, there are now technically advanced products that make this quick, easy and cost-effective.
“Floors should be kept clean as a matter of routine. If you have hard surfaces, use a good quality floor disinfectant. If you have clients walking barefoot on your floors, it would be preferable to mop the floor after each treatment.
“Ensure your own health in the salon by assigning one of your members of staff as health & safety manager and send them on a course to learn and qualify everything that is needed to keep your salon, and staff, safe. Ensure that the chosen assessor is suitably qualified and competent before you book the course. Once the health & safety manager returns to the salon, they can share the training with each member of staff.”

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