Client reveals results of Jessica natural nail care

By Kat Hill | 27 March 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

Jessica case study lead

The nail experts at Gerrard International were on hand to nurse one client’s natural nails back to health with Jessica’s results-driven service and the brand’s prescriptive range of products.

The Jessica manicure sees a studied approach to create the prime foundation for colour. The brand’s natural nail analysis technique helps to identify a variety conditions, including dry, brittle, damaged, normal, peeling, ridged or weak. For each nail type, there is a Jessica solution that can be prescribed by the professional.

Rose Nester’s nail were in need of some TLC. “My nails were in poor condition and I had a habit of peeling or picking off gel polish,” explains Rose. “My nails would break or chip almost every day and they were weak, soft and tender with rough ridges. My free edges were also jagged. They would also peel and I would pick at them and make it worse.”

Over the course of six weeks, Jessica educators, Charlotte Lowe and Daniella Cartwright, provided manicures to Rose. Both the educators followed the treatment routine all trained Jessica spas, salons and technicians follow.

Rose Nester

Scroll through the picture and read Rose’s progress diary below…

Week 1 – I was started on my course of treatments with a Deluxe Manicure. The Restoration Base Coat was used as I had mentioned having sensitivity. During the first manicure, I noticed a massive difference to the condition of my hands and nails – the different creams hydrated my nails and the nail plate seemed smoother.

Week 2 – By the second week I had already seen some improvement, particularly in regards to the damage depth on the nail plate.

I found my nails had broken this week so weakness was a problem too. My nails were still peeling and I also had roughness and ridges on the nail plate. The manicure was finished with a coat of Jessica Custom Colour.

Week 3 – I carried on with my aftercare and manicure maintenance, as instructed. I found Phenomen Oil was my nail saviour!

Week 4 – My nails were still very short. I’m was also showing signs of breakages and peeling, but visible damage on nail plate slowly fading. During my treatment, the prescriptive base coat selected was Critical Care Base Coat as my sensitivity was now gone.

Week 5 – This week I noticed the biggest progress in regards to my nail strength thanks to Critical Care. I noted hardly any breakages and was finally able to start growing my free edge.  I still noticed white spots and peeling, but my nails were starting to get a slight shine back.

Week 6 – I finally saw a whole week without breakages and chips. I still noted a small amount of peeling, but I feel that my nail plate damage had mostly healed. My nails also got their shine back and felt much stronger than week one of my treatment course. Thanks to Critical Care, my nails aren’t as soft and easy to bend.

Jessica products and training course options are available in the UK via Gerrard International at

Turn to page 72 of the March edition of Scratch to see how Jessica’s range of collection can cater to natural nail needs!