Caring for feet: salon pedi & homecare ideas
By Alex Fox | 18 January 2021 | Brands, Expert Advice, Feature

Let’s talk about the importance of footcare with expert advice from KATHARIN VON GAVEL, founder and CEO of Footlogix, a footcare brand that promises results that equal a pedicure with purpose. Why not consider adding to your pedicure repertoire and telling your clients how they can care for their feet during the lockdown.
Why pedicures need to change to adapt to today’s lifestyles
We walk approximately 160,000 kilometres in a lifetime, which is equivalent to almost four times the circumference of the world. Unfortunately, with today’s changing lifestyles, and now in lockdowns across the world, many of us are not walking or moving that much these days.
Living in this fast-paced, high stressed, super-sized world, many of us forget or ignore our feet and often don’t realise the affect this lifestyle may have on them.
Fast-paced lifestyles can lead to a lack in daily exercise, including walking, for most. Walking is the best exercise for the feet and it contributes to our general health too by improving circulation and controlling weight. With little daily movement, there’s an increased risk of developing poor circulation in the lower extremities, and without adequate exercise to improve circulation, the skin on the feet is not getting the proper nourishment that is needed to stay healthy. Unhealthy, or dry skin, is no longer just aesthetically unpleasing, but in a client with a compromised immune system, it may become a health risk.
As the foot and leg muscles work less, the blood vessel walls carrying the return blood flow through the veins become weaker and are the cause for the stagnation of metabolic waste. This impairs micro-circulation, leading to a breakdown of the protective function of the skin, particularly skin on the bottom of the foot. The bottom on the foot must endure several hundred pounds of pressure on a regular basis and it’s imperative that the skin remains healthy in order to perform its primary function of protection.
One large demographic that requires special attention to be given to their feet is that with chronic health problems. To begin with, the incidence of diabetes is increasing every year, as are the numbers of people living with, or surviving, cancer. Then, there are thyroid issues, alcoholism, HIV and hepatitis to name but a few. These conditions frequently lead to a compromised immune system and also to poor circulation in the feet. These clients should have regular footcare by a well-qualified pedicurist and homecare using non-occlusive products such as Footlogix, which addresses most issues on the skin and nails.
Besides being diabetic-friendly, Footlogix is also safe to use on any client, of any age. Keeping the skin well moisturised using such a non-occlusive product is essential for healthy feet.
Approximately 75% of the population will experience foot problems at one time or another in their lives. This gives salon owners & pedicurists a fantastic opportunity to educate clients, which in turn should lead to increased revenues through retail sales.
Today’s clients are looking for instant results and want to be able to see for themselves that the products they’re using and the money they’re spending are achieving long-lasting results. Although Footlogix products are capable of this, it’s important to explain that a ‘quick-fix’ application is not enough and instead, educate clients on how to maintain healthy skin or nails. It only takes a little time and dedication and should become part of their daily routine in order to avoid health risks.
Today’s clients are looking for knowledgeable nail techs. People are asking more questions about ingredients in the products and how and why they work. If you can answer these questions, people feel more confident and comfortable with the service being provided to them and have a better understanding about why the products are worth purchasing.
As a tech or member of a nail or beauty business, it’s likely that you’re marketing yourself on multiple social media platforms and, in turn, generating new clients. A decade ago, we were not creating Snapchat stories, Instagramming our latest nail creations, or using Facebook to promote our business. Today, we can gain valuable customer insights, increase our brand awareness and loyalty, provide rich customer experiences, increase our search ranking, share content quickly and with ease and build relationships – all through social media.
It’s important that you ensure you have the knowledge to educate clients on correct footcare practices and to offer solutions for their foot conditions that are appropriate to and for their lifestyle.
Footlogix products are available in the UK via www.louellabelle.co.uk
A bit about Katharin von Gavel
A featured platform speaker and recognised educator in footcare, Katharin von Gavel holds degrees in podology, chiropody and pedorthics. She has taught advanced footcare for over 20 years across North America, is a certified master pedicurist and has owned and operated medi-spa clinics for over two decades.

Katharin von Gavel
Katharin is the developer of Footlogix, a pediceutical mousse footcare line made with pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, available in 30 countries. The range has dermal infusion technology that enables active ingredients to penetrate faster and deeper into troubled skin of the feet. Her objective is to improve the professionalism of the footcare industry in the salon and spa sector and increase awareness of the importance of healthy feet. She strives to elevate the pedicure industry by providing solutions-driven products and education to empower techs and salon owners to offer the highest level of services.

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