Brillbird Educator Training, Tenerife 2020: Day 3
By Scratch Staff | 18 February 2020 | Feature, Tech Talk, Training

Michelle Brookes, Brillbird educator, reveals the tales from the brand’s trip to Tenerife for educator training…
Day 3
The education team woke early as today’s itinerary saw plenty of training and exams. Luckily, I’ve been sharing a room with Brillbird UK founder, Liliya Moss, and she’s an early riser, so I have my own personal alarm clock. The walk to training is so beautiful; we have mountain views to left and sea views to right. It’s perfect!
Today, we concentrated on extreme shapes and fantasy art with training led by Maryna Bendiuk. We created a beautiful fantasy sculptured nail in the shape of a harp and used cotton to add strings. We even created a 3D swan to sit around it!
Anyone who knows me knows I’m more of a painter than 3D artist, but from the amazing training I’ve managed to learn many more skills.
After lunch it was time for an exam, and we were briefed to create a fantasy shape with art aspect. We had to choose our own themes, so I decided to create a tropical leaf and flower design. This winter sun is definitely putting me in a summery mood!
We had two hours to create the look, which wasn’t long with the detail in the design I planned. I managed to finish on time, thank goodness – although I couldn’t do as much layering and shadowing as I wanted.
Results and scores were logged and will be revealed soon. Other educators created English Rose garden, ivy, jewellery design, plus many more.
Today is Maryna’s last day so we had goodbye photos and shared our thanks before heading for pizza and an early night.
Look out for the next instalment on the Scratch blog!
Learn more about Brillbird courses with Michelle Brookes via her academy Facebook page.

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