Chloe randall

Behind The Brand: Meet Vicky Lucas-Smith, founder of CutieOils

By Chloe Randall | 20 January 2021 | Brands, Feature

Cutie oils web feature

Vicky Lucas-Smith launched CutieOils in March 2020 when her salon closed as a result of the pandemic. She decided it was time to focus on a plan and the brand was born.

“I’ve always had a passion for business and I love designing and creating. Cuticle Oil is such an essential part of the manicure service, I wanted to bring out a range of scents that my clients couldn’t resist using to improve their gel manicures and aftercare” revealed Vicky.

The product range consists of cuticle oil pens in ten delicious scents. Alongside the oils, the brand also launched the CutieTools collection, which includes nine manicure tools which give the perfect service to clients that is tailored to the technician’s style.

On average each product goes through three rounds of trail and refinement before being added to the product range. After launching in August 2020, the brand were expecting a slow and steady market uptake but they found themselves running a 24/7 production cycle in order to fulfill the initial demand of orders. “We were thoroughly taken aback by how much interest our products received by therapists and their clients” smiled Vicky.

“Coconuts About You Cuticle Oil is my favourite scent and the most popular with our customers, it reminds me of sunshine and holidays, something we are all missing right now” revealed Vicky.


In terms of packaging, Vicky wanted the packaging to make a bold statement yet have a cute girly vibe. Therefore a contemporary look was created that is both pretty and professional for salon displays.

“I love being able to create products in the unique CutieOil style and putting a personal touch on the products we bring to market from all the feedback and ideas from our customers and ambassadors” said Vicky.

This year, the brand are focusing on investing in their products to grow the brand the products they offer at a sustainable pace, keeping quality at the forefront of their brand.

CutieOil products can be purchased at

Follow the brand on Instagram @cutieoils or like their Facebook page here.