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How to forge a successful career in the nail industry

By Guest Writer | 22 August 2018 | Business, Expert Advice, Feature

Liz mckeon

Yesterday, I caught up with beauty business expert, Liz McKeon, as she shared all of her top tips on how to run a successful nail business.

Arranging to meet in The Soho Hotel, London, myself and Liz made ourselves comfortable in the hotel’s drawing rooms, alongside Mark Smith (aka The Spa Man).

Simply by scrolling through her website and blog posts, it is immediately evident that Liz is a vital source of information for business advice within the industry. Striving to assist nail technicians, beauty therapists, mobile techs and salon owners to realise their goal, Liz shares her knowledge with those seeking guidance in their business decisions. Often described as the ‘go-to’ person in business development in the beauty industry, Liz is recognised as a world leader in her field and has a passion for helping clients grow their business and harness the full potential of their opportunities.

Therefore, I met Liz with the plan to soak up some valuable advice surrounding multiple business-related topics and common issues faced by techs and salon owners in the industry. Within the short hour I had with Liz, she offered advice regarding premises, recruitment, professional boundaries, expansion, customer loyalty, pricing strategy and social media. As well as this, myself and Liz conducted a short Facebook Live Q&A focusing on salon retailing: questions included why salons should retail, top tips for retailing, what makes for an attractive retail area, encouraging confidence in staff and taking advantage of seasonal retailing. Head to the Scratch magazine Facebook page to view the video!

Keep an eye out for more from Liz and her expertise in beauty business on the Scratch website and in the magazine.