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Back to Work: Staff matters

By Scratch Staff | 19 June 2020 | Expert Advice, Feature

Face mask

Scratch gathers guidelines from across the industry for what should be considered for when you & your clients set foot back into your business…

The government’s Keeping workers and clients safe during COVID-19 in close contact services guidelines state:

  • You must maintain social distancing in the workplace wherever possible.
  • When providing close contact services, the nature of the work is such that maintaining social distancing will not usually be possible when actively serving a client. In these circumstances, both employers, employees and the self-employed should do everything they reasonably can to reduce risk. Mitigating actions include:
    •   Further increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning.
    •   Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible.
    •   Using screens or barriers to separate clients from one another. If the practitioner is wearing a visor, screens will not provide additional protection between the practitioner and the individual.
    •   Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face- to-face) whenever possible.
    •   Using a consistent pairing system if workers have to be in close proximity.
    •  Only opening client waiting areas where social distancing can be maintained.
    •   Maintaining social distancing between the treatment or service areas, such as client chairs.

You and any team members should adhere to the following infection prevention measures from BABTAC.

  • Wash hands frequently with soap following NHS guidelines and before a treatment, during (when required) and after, and when putting on or taking off PPE. Use disposable towels to dry hands and turn off taps.
  • Uniforms should not be worn to or from work. They should be changed into in the workplace and washed daily on the highest temperature possible.
  • Consider ‘work footwear’ that remains in the workplace.
  • Go jewellery free where possible, keep hair tied back and maintain short nails.
  • Avoid sharing equipment such as lamps and have your own wipes or sanitising products for work areas.
  • Use PPE equipment relevant to the treatment.

Click here to read the Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) government guidelines.