Are you considering becoming a cashless salon? Read this…
By Guest Writer | 06 August 2021 | Expert Advice, Feature

Kishon Mather, finance director at the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF), shares points to note if you’re considering becoming a cashless nail or beauty business…
Have you ever thought about going cashless in your business? It’s been a hot topic for a while as cashless payments may help to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but there are pros and cons – and you’ll also need to think about how you handle tips.
Pros & cons
At the moment, it’s best practice to ask clients to pay by card – preferably contactless. The maximum amount is currently £45, but this is expected to rise to £100 later in. Remember to always sanitise the payment device between clients and wash your hands after each payment has been taken.
As well as being more hygienic, cashless payments also have the following advantages:
- Payment transactions are usually faster than taking cash and sorting out change.
- Less cashing up at night.
- Less need for trips to the bank to make deposits or get change.
- Less likely that accounting mistakes will be made as cashless payments are recorded automatically.
- You and your team may feel safer if there is less cash on the premises.
However, there may be disadvantages to going completely cashless. For example, you may wish to continue supporting clients who for various reasons prefer to pay in cash, while interruptions to your electricity or internet connection may mean that there are periods of time when you cannot take payments.
If you accept cash, always sanitise any surfaces where cash has been placed before it is stored in your till. Keep your till sanitised too, especially if it is used by different members of staff.
Accepting card payments
You will need a merchant account to accept payments by card. You should ask your bank for advice, but also shop around to compare transaction costs.
Contactless payments are fast and secure, with money going into your account by BACS typically within three working days. In addition to card machines, you can also put in place systems to accept card payments online or over the phone.
Tips for tipping
Your employees should each have a slotted container for tips that is regularly sanitised. Hands should be washed after handling the container or the money in it. You could ask clients to add tips to their contactless or card payment, but don’t forget that this affects how tips are dealt with from a tax and National Insurance point of view. NHBF members can download a free fact sheet on how to deal with tips via www.nhbf.co.uk/tipping
What the law says
- Increasing your prices to help cover the cost (these prices must apply to all clients whichever payment method they use).
- Negotiate lower fees with your financial services provider.
Find out more about going cashless via www.nhbf.co.uk/back-to-business-payments

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