Painful and potentially a source of embarrassment, learn the telltale signs of ingrown toenails and how to tackle them. Katharin von Gavel, Footlogix founder and footcare expert serves up some tips…
“An ingrown nail is a condition where the nail pierces or grows into the skin, most commonly found alongside the great toe,” Katharin informs. “This nail usually becomes infected and tends to be chronic. In this case the client must be referred to a medical practitioner.
“Usually the ingrown nail is painful. It can be red, swollen, and warm to the touch.”
“You must inform the client of the situation and explain that the nail could be infected.
“You should recommend the client seek medical attention through a podiatrist, chiropodist or medical doctor.”
If not presented with these symptoms, your client may have an involuted nail. “This can be spotted by the extreme curvature,” Katharin explains. “There may be callus build up in the side nail fold area which can cause immense pain. As a result of this, the client believes she has an ingrown nail.
“If the nail is not infected and has not pierced through the skin, and you’ve recognised that it is only causing discomfort from pressure along the side of the nail, it can be filed with the appropriate implements.”
“If it has with a callus build up in the nail groove, you should properly trim the nail and reduce the callus from the area after soaking the foot and spraying on a callus softener.
“It is advisable to apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage and then recommend conservative nail trimming and proper footwear. You could also recommend a BS Brace, which is a corrected treatment for ingrown nails.”
Footlogix products are available in the UK via www.louellabelle.co.uk

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