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An education in Lipnv™ at Olympia Beauty

By Scratch Staff | 28 October 2019 | Brands, Feature

Lip nv olympia

The team at The Creative Beauty Group reveals more about a training event for Lipnv™ No Needle Filler at autumn’s greatest beauty show…

This year at Olympia Beauty, education was at the forefront of the show. Lipnv™ was honoured to play a part of it by hosting an exclusive No Needle Filler foundation course in The Education Club.

The course began with an introduction from Lipnv™ MD, Layla Tourh, who helped welcome delegates on their exciting journey into the world of aesthetics. Layla was also joined by a host of beauty journalists and press who had gathered to offer support.

Layla addressed the crowd: “I’m thrilled to welcome each and every one of you to the Lipnv™ revolution Congratulations on taking the next BIG step in your career!”

The course accommodated 20 delegates (making it our largest so far!) who were all enthusiastic to join the No Needle Filler movement. The one-day training event saw students immersing themselves in practical demonstrations whilst enjoying the ‘buzz’ of Olympia Beauty 2019. The team was pioneered by head of education, Emma Edwards, who was supported by Essex-based educator, Laura White. Both have years of experience and were on-hand to guide and answer any questions from the students.

“This day was a hugely positive experience for all that attended,” Emma Edwards comments. “Lipnv™ No Needle Filler has well and truly taken the industry by storm and this was a great opportunity to allow learners to not only attend one of our training courses but to also be at Olympia Beauty at the same time!

“It really was a great day from start to finish and I am proud to say we have another fabulous bunch of Lipnv™ Therapists trained and ready to embark on their new journey.”

To find our more about Lipnv™ training, click here – and use code LIPNV10 for an exclusive 10% discount!