A reminder to be kind on social media

By Sophie Nutt | 29 June 2020 | Expert Advice, Feature

Social media kindness

Now more than ever it is essential that we, as an industry, are stood in solidarity with one another and support each other. As we continue to stay connected online, it is important that this support and kindness remains prevalent on social media.

Unfortunately, social media can often bring out a level of unkindness in the nail industry. Scrolling through social media forums, it is almost impossible to escape negative, malicious and spiteful language. However, words on the screen can have detrimental effects on others, so think twice about what you’re typing.

“The professional landscape has led to a new power of Facebook forums,” says Alex Fox, Scratch‘s editor-in-chief. “These forums are fantastic when used correctly; when they offer professional advice, support and kindness. However, more and more they are being used to deliver unkind messages, ugly attitudes and personal attacks.

“You can hurt someone without even knowing. Before you choose to take a shot at someone’s comment, picture of their business, their family, their treatment menu, etc. – take a moment to stop and think. How would you feel if that comment came right back to you? Think about how the comment can be interpreted by the recipient and their friends and industry colleagues. Ask yourself – am I being supportive and offering a constructive critique? Should I offer critique privately? Should I say anything at all if it’s not positive and supportive?”

“Engage with, support, befriend and learn from fellow techs and industry colleagues on social media. This will be much more beneficial for you and your business in the long run, not to mention it will also help to make the industry a nicer place to work in.”

Positing unnecessarily hurtful or spiteful comments can be seriously harmful to a fellow tech’s happiness and wellbeing. Not only this, but it can also be damaging to your own business. “It’s super important to consider that whatever you post on social media will be the first introduction people have to your business,” says Issy Berman, PR manager at The Gel Bottle Inc. “Always be nice and never say or post anything that you wouldn’t want to be said about yourself.”

Refrain from using negative language in any form when using social media. It is important to focus on your own business without attempting to tear down fellow professionals. Not only does this helps to create a safer, happier online environment, but also ‘trashing the competition’ doesn’t sit well with potential clients or fellow techs. Being unkind towards others in this way will only aid in isolating yourself from the industry.

Instead, engage with, support, befriend and learn from fellow techs and industry colleagues on social media. This will be much more beneficial for you and your business in the long run, not to mention it will also help to make the industry a nicer place to work in.

“It’s important to remember that not everyone is going to like our content and that there are ‘trolls’ out there who like a reaction,” says Andy Garbett, director of Staffordshire Nail Academy Ltd. “The best way to deal with any negativity is to both delete and ignore the comments or to reply professionally and by thanking them and saying you appreciate that everyone is different.”