The Nail Boxes launches a monthly nail mail membership
By Alex Fox | 28 February 2021 | Brands, Feature

We’ve seen this concept in wine and gin clubs for some time now – but at last you can pay a monthly membership to receive an exciting box bursting with nail products every month.
The Nail Boxes, an idea brought to life by salon owner, educator and brand owner, Karen M Brown, has taken two years to coordinate, and promises a membership that goes beyond the nail box. “The Nail Boxes has been something I’ve been working on for almost two years and it’s kept me busy during lockdown,” reveals Karen. “Working as a busy salon owner and educator, constantly on the go, it’s been extremely hard to find myself not working, which I know so many fellow nail techs have also felt. The Nail Boxes has kept me in the nail world communicating with amazing techs and brand owners. Bringing The Nail Boxes to techs makes me so happy, as it’s something that brings a little excitement through the post every month and I don’t know a nail tech that doesn’t love ‘nail mail’!”

Karen M Brown – The Nail Boxes
Scratch finds out more…
Where did the idea come from for a £39.99 per month nail box subscription?
A: Back in April 2019 I received a GIN monthly subscription box gift for Mothers Day and it got me thinking how amazing it would be to get a box of nail products every month too. I ploughed through the idea and chatted with industry peers and colleagues and the reaction was very positive, so I set up the Facebook and Instagram pages right away. However, running our salons, training and my other brand took over, so The Nail Boxes idea had to be put on hold. Then in the spring 2020 lockdown it became the perfect time to get it started. Keeping busy, focusing time and energy on something positive during that incredibly challenging time, I set about contacting potential brand partners who were all very positive and helpful, so it motivated me to further push for launch. So now with the The Nail Boxes is fully trademarked and we have fully launched.
How will you police that customers are professional ?
A: When customers subscribe, they are asked to confirm they are a professional, if that box isn’t ticked, you can’t move forward with a subscription. Many major brands insist on this and so it was important for us too, therefore we invite subscribers to upload their professional certificate.
What is your policy on offering gel polish?
A: This is an extremely controversial element with nail artists buying products from various brands without purchasing the compatible nail lamp as well as nail brands not offering a nail lamp with their products. So I decided there will only ever be one gel polish in a box at a time, this offers the opportunity for nail artists to try before investing in a brand.
With the current financial climate, I feel this allows techs to try a product without having to over spend before investing. I also think sometimes we need to give nail artists more credit for knowing what they are doing with products they choose to buy.
Describe a typical box and its contents?
A: A typical box will include – nail crystals, glitter, acrylic powder, brushes, nail art products, gel polish, art paints, forms and tips. If it can be used with, in or on a nail, it will be in the box at some point. I will also try to be seasonal, so when it comes to Spring, there will be spring goodies, with Halloween-themed goodies in the October box etc.
What is the retail value of a typical box ?
A: The contents will value between £50 to £150 each month.
How many brands do you have on board?
A: At the moment I have 12 fabulous brands on board, with more in the pipeline. The support and interest from the industry has been overwhelming. I’m so delighted that these highly regarded industry brands have joined us so early on. We all know that not every brand has everything and nail techs love variety!
Current brand partners include; Hazel Dixon, Kirsty Meakin, Katie Barnes, Gemma Lambert – The Nail Team, GELICA, Emoki, Glitterama, Gelica, Candy Box Glitter, Sonia Williams Glitter, A&A Glitter and Cutieoil to name a few!
Who are the people behind it?
A: We are a family business; I created the brand and choose what goes into the boxes every month. My sister, Greta McKnight helps with marketing. lt’s very much a family affair.
Is it a club membership? Are there any other benefits to signing up?
A: Yes , definitely. We will be offering video demos of how to use some of the products and will feature people who use the products on our social pages. We will run competitions where we’ll invite techs to create sets with the goodies in each box and the winner will get extra goodies in their next box.
Can they send the box back to you flat packed to be stocked again and recycled ?
A: Yes 100%. If techs want to do that, then yes they would be able to. Additionally, the boxes have been made with recycled paper, so we are taking responsibility for the environment too!

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