7 tips for a more eco salon
By Scratch Staff | 22 April 2022 | Expert Advice, Feature, Sustainability & the environment

Can you tick off this list of seven eco-friendly ideas? The National Hair & Beauty Federation shares these top tips…
Choosing more sustainable ways to run your salon or business will not only save you money, for example in utility bills, but will also help attract new clients who are actively looking for more eco-friendly products and services.
Our top tips include:
- Ask your local council for recycling info and advice.
- Choose products that come in biodegradable or recyclable packaging.
- Have clearly labelled recycling stations at strategic locations in your salon.
- Use biodegradable bags instead of plastic when selling retail products.
- Use biodegradable disposable towels.
- Switch to a green energy supplier.
- Use LED bulbs and lower your heating by 1°C.
You can learn more about how to implement more sustainable practises, here.
The NHBF’s campaigning work includes fighting for eco-friendly products and services for our industry. Find out more about the campaign by clicking here.

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