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6 feet poses to nail pedi photos

By Guest Writer | 04 August 2024 | Expert Advice, Feature

Feet Poses

Footlogix, Artistic & Famous Names brand ambassador for Sweet Squared, Lily Lou Moore, explains how to master her six go-to feet poses for pedi photos…

Lily Lou Moore

1. One foot in front of the other

One Foot In Front Of The Other

With the client stood, ask them to put one foot in front of the other. I try to put the camera as close to the floor as possible, keeping both feet in shot, then focus the lens on the closest foot.

2. The overlap

The Overlap

This is definitely a favourite shot of mine. With one foot flat on the floor, ask the client to place their other foot on top at a relaxed angle.

3. From above

From Above

A classic photo: simply take an image from above with the feet laid flat. This shot is enhanced by natural sunlight and pretty open toe sandals, but also looks good without footwear.

4. In action

In Action

A hydrated polished pedicure makes for a great image, but also consider showcasing how you get to that result. I love a pedi bowl bubble photo, where the client pops their toes out of the water.

5. Big toe focus

Big Toe Focus

I hold one foot, then focus the camera lens on the big toe. This is a simple but effective image and is definitely a go-to when I’ve created toenail art.

6. Close-up

Up Close

Focusing on one foot, I ask the client to point it upwards and get a shot of all the toes up close. Why not add something different to the image with cute toe separators?

Follow Lily Lou on Instagram and Facebook.

Check out 6 hand poses for picture-perfect nail photos here.