5 ways to support deaf & visually impaired nail & beauty clients
By Chloe Randall | 01 July 2021 | Feature

Different types of clients with various needs will enter your salon everyday and it is incredibly important that you know how to support them. This week marks Deafblind Awareness week and in honour, here are 5 ways to support your deaf and visually impaired clients…
1. Sign language
For clients with hearing loss, a great way to support them is by using sign language, a language they can communicate with easily. By learning a few basic signs such as ‘Hello’ and ‘Which colour?’, it will help them feel more comfortable in the salon on their own, rather than having to communicate with them via someone who may have come with them or via a notepad.
2. Decor
Try to include contrast where possible in the salon. For example, pale floors with dark furniture. Also, ensure your staff keep walkways clear throughout the salon as this will be helpful for visually impaired clients.
3. Price & Treatment List
Provide your price and treatment list in an accessible format. This can simply mean in a large, clear print or electronically so that visually impaired clients can read it using their speech software.
4. Communication
If you have clients with sight problems, your biggest priority is to create a trusting relationship with them. You’ll need to speak very clearly and tell them exactly what you are doing throughout the treatment and describe how they look. When it comes to moving around the salon, don’t assume they will need you to guide them but make sure you offer in a sensitive manner.
5. Lip reading
Speaking slowly and clearly can really help clients hard of hearing as many deaf people can lip read. PPE regulations means masks cover mouths but it may be an idea to use transparent masks so deaf clients can still lip read through the mask.

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