5 ways to prevent burnout in the nail salon
By Guest Writer | 08 June 2020 | Expert Advice, Feature
Janan Saher, director of Aviva Day Spa in Luton, shares advice on how to avoid burnout…
As the old saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’, and this is something we all need to prioritise while we prepare for the new year.
It’s important to recognise beauty pro burnout in both yourself and your employees. You may not even realise it happening as you may find yourself working on autopilot, simply doing what you love. Then, one day, you notice you are a little demotivated, lethargic, more tired than usual, losing interest in the job you once loved, feeling anxious, that spark becomes dimmed and you just can’t be bothered anymore. Welcome burnout!
Beauty is a tough job right? We have stepped out of the twilight zone and back into reality. We are working with different people daily, more often than not back to back, on our feet all day or glued to our chairs. We are learning whether ombré nails are easier to do with a brush or sponge. We are working hard on and in our business while trying to be creative and providing therapy (not the beauty sort) to every other client. So while we are all excited to get stuck in, the stress of these alone can lead to a burnout faster than you can cure a set of gel nails.
Kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy reading these top tips to remain calm, healthy, and happy in the wonderful but manic world of the beauty pro.
1.Rest, take breaks and switch off
We are all unique and respond and work in many different way, so take a moment to reflect on what will work for you. Are you planning on working full-time? Part-time? Do you take regular breaks? Are you giving yourself minimal time to provide your services meaning you are rushing or working back to back all day? Do you forget to have your lunch? We are all guilty of working like this and in the long run it does us no good at all. No matter what it is you do, make a conscious effort to take yourself away from what you’re doing every day to slow down and breathe. Pop out for a 15 minute walk, do some stretches, soak up some sunshine. Do something to help you unwind, you will thank yourself later.
2. Consider your life balance
Being balanced in both work and home life will help you to be more successful, happy, healthy and focused. Free time is crucial to work/life balance. We are all guilty of overworking in this industry aren’t we. Remember why you chose this career, keep it fun, creative, positive and balanced. This is your passion, do more of what you love, but make time for you too.
3. Delegate
This is my least favourite word because I’m a bit of a control freak. But I need to stop trying to do everything myself. If, like me, you have employees, then delegate more. Put your trust and faith in your team. I’m sure they have all been watching you long enough to know exactly how you like things done. Pace yourself and avoid trying to be superwoman or superman. Make a plan, write things down more, and slow down.
4. Learn to say NO!
Are you a people pleaser? How many of you are guilty of bending over backwards for your clients, through working later, starting earlier and moving your personal life around to accommodate your clients? Come on, hands up! I’m 100% guilty of this. The thing is there is nothing wrong in doing this occasionally. Do not prioritise your clients over your work/life balance. Manage your clients around you and your business time.
Do not make yourself available 24/7, in salon, online and over the phone. Limit online communication when you get home. Learn to switch off. If you don’t, it may lead very quickly to a beauty pro burnout.
5. Self care
This is just as important as your career. Be aware of the emotional and physical symptoms and spot the signs of salon burnout. Self care is crucial and can be as simple as taking 15-minutes to stop what you’re doing and taking deep breaths to having a nap. Make time doing something that you enjoy, whether it’s exercise, cooking, spending time with family and friends or just vegging out on the sofa watching TV. Whatever it is, make time for you.
Follow my tips above for a healthy, balanced successful return to our wonderful industry that we all love.