5 minutes with Kayley Cairns

By Kat Hill | 28 April 2018 | Feature, Tech Talk

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Tell us about your training…

I qualified in Nov. 2009 with CND™ in L&P and have undertaken at least up to four classes every year since, including the the CND™ L&P Masters twice! I’ve trained with Ferieda Lydiatte – and looking forward to more 1-2-1 with her in August – and Gina Silvestero, as well as a number of classes with Hazel Dixon, online training with Sam Biddle as well as educator training for CND™, Akzentz and the Hazel Dixon Nail Artist Academy. I’m addicted to learning!

What is your all-time favourite nail product?

My all time favourite product is Akzentz Gel Play nail art gel – it can create embossed looks or fine detail, and doesn’t have to be top coated once cured. I use to use acrylic paint before discovering Gel Play and it totally changed the quality of my art work.

Who do you admire in the industry?

I adore so many people in this industry for lots of different reasons. I admire Hazel Dixon’s drive and artistic eye, Ferieda Lydiatte for her pink and white skills and utter professionalism in the classroom. Virag Timar has been an inspiration to watch compete and I love the artwork of Anita Podia and the salon nails of Danielle Cragg of Tips ’n Ficks  – just to name just a few!

What designs do you love to create?

I love to create pretty, girly designs with swirls and sparkle. I’m actually not a ‘girly girl’, but really enjoy just letting the swirls just flow across a nail and letting my girly side out through my clients!

If you had to pick one, what nail colour would characterise your personality?

A colour to characterise my personality would be Wink by Luxio – a light minty green. It’s not too bold, but a little different. It’s also a bright and cheery colour!


What are your next steps?

I’m fortunate that I already get to teach nail skills in Essex, but going forward I’d like to travel more to teach. I’d also like to win a few more competitions with a goal of joining the judging panel in the future!


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