Award-winning home salon owner: the 5 essential tips for success
By Lilly Delmage | 02 December 2024 | Business, Feature, Salon & Spas, Tech Talk

Scratch Stars Home Nail Salon of the Year 2024 winner, Kirsty Brown of @paintbrushnails, shares her top tips for building a successful home salon…
Having won the prestigious Scratch Stars accolade for her Stirling-based home salon, we asked Kirsty to share her top tips to inform and inspire nail techs who want to create their own booming home salon.
1. Make your home salon appealing to clients
You want to create a space that they look forward to coming to. Make sure it is warm, welcoming and relaxing.
2. Find your niche
Focus on your individual style and strengths, and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. This will make you stand out to potential new clients and attract the right type of client for you.
3. Price wisely
Don’t make the mistake of lowering your prices just because you are based at home and not in a ‘proper’ salon. In fact, you can often provide a higher-value service for your clients when working in a private space. They are getting a one-on-one experience and bespoke service, allowing you to take more time with them and tailor everything to their needs.
4. Try and keep your work and living spaces separate
This creates a physical barrier between work and home life, even if it’s just shutting a door at the end of your workday. Having a dedicated workspace helps you switch off from work when you leave the space.
5. Have set working hours and clear policies
It is in your best interest to keep everything professional, even though you are based at home. This ensures everyone knows where they stand, and clients will respect your boundaries, not trying to take advantage of the fact that you are home-based.
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