3 benefits Green Salon Collective can bring to your nail business
By Green Salon Collective | 15 August 2023 | Business, Feature, Sustainability & the environment

With clients seeking more eco-conscious products and services, your salon could become a leading sustainable business in your area with Green Salon Collective (GSC). Here are three key benefits to becoming a member…
1. Extra revenue & reduced commercial costs
A poll last year by YouGov found that double the amount of consumers are willing to pay extra for sustainable options versus not.
Green Salon Collective is cost-neutral or profitable for our salons that charge a green fee: a small added cost to allow you to carry out environmentally conscious practices. We work with most salon software, so a £1 to £2 green fee is easy to introduce.
Let’s do the maths…
1 full size, full price Returns Box costing £175 holds 350 clients’ worth of waste = £221.94 (including VAT and shipping)
350 clients paying a £1 green fee = £350
£350 – £221.94 = £128.06
It’s that simple; you’ll earn over £100 on every box you send to us! Plus, you’ll save money on your previous waste costs by reducing the amount of waste to landfill.
2. New & retained clients
90% of Gen Z consumers expect brands to do more to help reduce climate impact and improve the state of the world, according to Unilever.
Salon gain on average three new clients within the first two months after joining Green Salon Collective. That’s three new upsell opportunities, too.
By implementing GSC guidance, you can tap into a growing market of environmentally conscious consumers and increase sales. Incorporating sustainable practices into your salon operations can also help to differentiate you from the competition.
3. PR & media coverage
With our free press release template, you can reach out to local newspapers to gain exposure within the local community. This boosts your profile and promotes going green.
Want to find out more? Email hello@greensaloncollective.com or click here to receive a free copy of the Green Bible, a 40-page guide to becoming a holistically sustainable salon.

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