Insights from a trans nail tech: what I want you to know

Drew Sallows Tech Talk

Drew Sallows of @t4tnails feels fortunate to have been surrounded by love throughout their nail career: working in accepting salon spaces, while being able to do the job that they adore. “I always knew I wanted an artistic career, and spent a lot of time watching content by Cristine of Simply Nailogical, practising techniques from her…

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WINNER ANNOUNCED: Scratch Snap November 2024

Scratch Snap Nov 24 Winner Announcement

The winner of Scratch’s monthly nail art challenge for November has been announced as Mia Murray. In a showcase of talent, techs created nail designs to fit theme, Enchanted Forest, in the bid to win a prize from INK London. Entries were judged by INK London educator, Jessica Hinds, and Scratch deputy editor, Rebecca Hitchon. The winner, Mia Murray, has scooped…

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Revealed: how diverse & inclusive the British beauty industry is

British Beauty Council Census Findings 1

The British Beauty Council (BBCo) has unveiled the first instalment of findings from its census, A Beauty Industry That Looks Like You. The industry-wide survey was completed by 4,000 respondents and showcases the state of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the beauty sector. Via its findings, the British Beauty Council hopes to help businesses…

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How menopause affects nails & ways to manage symptoms

Menopause Nails

Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and involves a decline in hormone levels – which affects various aspects of a woman’s health. But how does it affect natural nails? “Nail changes caused by the menopause are likely to be associated with low oestrogen levels and dry skin,” explains Dr Berrin Tezcan,…

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