Posts by Katie Barnes
What to look for when choosing a reputable business awards to enter
Winning an award is an excellent marketing opportunity. It boosts morale, raises the profile of your business and highlights and recognises your expertise. When contemplating entering an award, you firstly need to consider whether you want to increase your recognition locally or nationally. These both have genuine and mock awards, so to uphold the reputation…
Read MoreKatie Barnes explores the value of online learning for nails
Use your time wisely between appointments and during any ‘down time’ by broadening your knowledge and skillset through online classes. During times such as lockdown, online learning has proven really beneficial. There are many online classes available – from paid and free business mentoring and webinars to technical skill building and beginner classes. Figure out…
Read More5 ways to boost your nail business during lockdown 2.0
As business owners and busy professionals, time is something we often have very little of and many tasks get put on the back burner. It can be hard to be motivated in times like this but it is important to remember that just as there are real challenges, there are also fantastic opportunities. 1.Plan…
Read MoreNail technique: How to successfully file the lower arch in 5 steps
One of the most common mistakes a tech can make is over filing the lower arch of the nail, especially if the form or tip fit was incorrect in the first place. Careful and controlled filing can help to prevent this. The way you hold your file is important when filing all parts of the…
Read MoreRevealed: The 16 best hand poses for showing off your nail work
Taking good quality photographs of your nail work is great for your advertising and marketing materials as it shows off your skills. Regularly photographing your work will also allow you to see room for improvement and highlight areas of concern that may not be obvious when in front of you. These photos you produce can…
Read MoreIs my nail or beauty product out of date?
In a previous blog for Scratch, I discussed the shelf life of nail products. In this article, I will go into more depth about what the labelling on products means, what you need to be aware of and how to understand the expiry of each nail product. What is shelf life & ‘period after opening’?…
Read MoreStruggling to master a nail design? Here’s some advice…
Unfortunately we are in an age where we want to master something the instant we try it and tend to blame the education or object for not instantly picking it up. This doesn’t just apply to learning a new skill. It is also applicable to a new product, brand technique or tool. However much we…
Read MoreHow to keep your nail tools in tip-top condition
Scissors, nippers, cuticle pushers and other such nail tools will last longer and keep a sharp edge for longer if you take the appropriate level of care. Sharp tools are safer and more efficient to use than blunt ones. When a tool is blunt or thick, additional force is required to achieve the same results.…
Read MoreHow to choose smile lines to suit your client’s nails
Different smile lines will suit different shapes and lengths of nails. Smile line execution requires different techniques to create each ‘type’ of smile line; competition, extreme, and salon viable. The general rule is that the longer and more pointed the nail, the deeper and longer the smile line should be. A salon smile line/free edge…
Read More5 ways to boost success via your social media platforms
Nail tech, educator & winner of the Scratch Stars Best Use of Social Media award 2016, Katie Barnes, reveals her 5 top tips for making the most of your social media platforms… 1.Consider your content Your content is the way to get someone to STOP in their path and click on your post. How much…
Read More5 ways to futureproof your nail & beauty business
Difficult economic times, unpredictable world events, illness and a fast-changing world can leave small businesses more vulnerable than ever. It’s much harder to predict where new risks will come from, so businesses need to be futureproofed to protect them in times where there is no regular income. What the Covid-19 pandemic has taught is that…
Read MoreHow to remove the cuticle safely
The cuticle can be unsightly and if not removed from the nail plate correctly, can lead to service breakdown. To safely work on this area, firstly it is essential to understand the difference between the cuticle and the proximal nail fold or eponychium. There is a lot of controversy and misconception in the nail industry…
Read MorePPE for nail techs: important points to consider
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is equipment that will protect you against health or safety risks while performing your job. This has always been a requirement of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) for nail techs and in the current pandemic, it is also required to protect you, your workers and others from coronavirus (Covid-19).…
Read MoreWonky enhancements? Here’s how to ensure your nail form fit is straight
A straight line measures the distance between two locations. It measures one point to another without deviating. We use straight lines and angles regularly when creating nails including form fitting, smile lines, filing techniques and nail art. It doesn’t have to be complicated and this post will break it down for you. Natural nails and…
Read MoreHow to work out what you need to charge for nail services in 10 steps
Upon the return to work for nail techs, one of the most important considerations along with health & safety is likely to be a pricing for your services. Many technicians are guilty of looking to their competition when pricing their nail services. When considering your prices; whether setting these from the beginning or looking at…
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