The 3 things you need to do to attract nail clients

Nail Tech And Client

There is so much advice out there about attracting clients, but the process doesn’t need to be complicated or drawn-out. You simply need to be able to do three things successfully: 1. Build an audience of potential clients. There is no point spending hours creating trending TikTok videos or Instagram Reels to only be followed…

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I’m a fully booked nail tech. What do I do next?

Nail Technician At Desk

One of the most baffling things I see happening in the nail and beauty industry is independent pros boasting of fully booked diaries – but then closing them to new clients out of fear.  This fear is of overwhelm, losing it all and of what others might think of them, or what they personally think…

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The top 5 mistakes nail techs are making on social media

Social Media Hands Nails

I’ve probably looked at more nail tech social media pages than anyone else on the planet. I have also probably helped more nail techs than anyone else on the planet to get fully booked and earn £3-5k a month, and part of that strategy comes down to social media marketing.  Social media can play a…

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