5 steps to become a zero waste to landfill nail salon

Zero waste

Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. Here, GSC shares how to tackle your salon waste and become zero to landfill, to reduce your overall waste, carbon emissions and environmental…

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How to minimise waste in your nail salon

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Green Salon Collective was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. For this blog, the Collective offers an insight into waste solutions. Your salon probably disposes of a lot of stuff that cannot be…

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How to find a sustainable building for your nail salon

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Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. Here, GSC shares guidance from freelancer, Jackie Edwards, who formally worked in environmental health, on how to source a sustainable location for…

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4 tips for a more sustainable beauty travel routine

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Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. For this blog, guest writer, Jackie Edwards – who formally worked in environmental health, details how to make your beauty travel habits…

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Explained: Circular economy for salons

Reduce reuse recycle

Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. In this blog, GSC details what a circular economy is and how beauty businesses can help to achieve one. Traditionally, humans have…

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How to use salon towels more sustainably

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Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. In this blog, Stephanie Hodgson, head of research and development at GSC, reveals the Collective’s top tips for using towels in a…

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How to be a water-wise beauty business

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Green Salon Collective was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. For this blog, the Collective explains how you can value and protect water in your beauty business. Environmental legislation and policies are changing…

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How to recycle metals from your nail business

Nail foils

Green Salon Collective (GSC) was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. In this blog, the Collective details how to ensure your business’ metal waste is properly recycled – and why it’s crucial that…

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How to minimise plastic waste in your nail business

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Green Salon Collective was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. In this blog, the Collective explains how to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by your business. Plastic is both lightweight and…

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How your beauty business can help stop deforestation

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Green Salon Collective was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. In this blog, the Collective explains why it’s important to recycle paper and how your business can help protect trees. People are becoming…

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Green Salon Collective on the problem with waste

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Green Salon Collective was founded in 2020 by environmental experts, campaigners and beauty professionals, with an aim to help member salons in the UK and Ireland to responsibly dispose of their waste. They kick off their blog with Scratch by detailing why non-recyclable and non-reusable waste is so problematic. The design (or lack of) of…

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