Hook tool launches to prevent fingers touching shared surfaces

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The pandemic has affected us all differently, from our habits and ideals, to our day to day performing of everyday tasks. With this new landscape in mind, a designer from the UAE has developed a product that brings about a level of calm. Instead of fretting about who’s touched a door handle or lift button…

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Sign Up to Join the Second Nail Safari 2021

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The second Nail Safari event has been scheduled for Monday 15 – Friday 19 November 2021 and is open for bookings. With such positive feedback from delegates who attended the original event hosted back in November 2019, it was decided a second event should take place, however the pandemic put the brakes on this year.…

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Power of the Flower for Nails & Wellbeing

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Beverly Braisdell talks to industry colleague & friend Bev Higham – who she calls the ‘virtuoso of aromatherapy’. The Power of the Flower… Does Aromatherapy have a place in nail spas and can it be of benefit in the current climate? The answer is ‘Absolutely!’ With a career spanning over 40 years in the beauty…

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Fingernail Fashion: Create a Utensil to eat Caviar

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Calling all nail stylists that fancy a fun challenge! Pearl Street Caviar is inviting techs to create a ‘utensil’ on the end of the finger with which to eat caviar. For far too long, etiquette has ruled supreme, stifling how and when people enjoy caviar. The truth is, there is no ‘right’ way to eat…

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Sam Biddle to Host Online Education Platform

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Be Inspired is your new home for online education & a way to share and shine. Nail artist, international educator, judge, mentor & expert, Sam Biddle is known industry-wide to innovate and adjust, pivoting her business to accommodate the growing needs of the industry. Over the years she’s created a stable home for online education…

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Beauty industry pays respect to former HABIA CEO, Alan Goldsbro

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As many in the professional beauty industry mourn the passing of Alan Goldsbro, former CEO of HABIA, Marian Newman BEM shares her experience & journey with this great man – who she calls ‘The architect of the modern nail industry’… On 7 October, a message popped into my inbox from an old and dear friend,…

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Nailing a Winter Wonderland

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US nail brand Jessica invites us to ‘see the world with a child-like wonder, to believe in the impossible, see beauty in the ordinary’ – plainly speaking – ‘be a seeker of magic’. To help the journey into the mystery of magic, Jessica presents three new bright, bold seasonal statement shades with a shimmer: I…

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Beauty2trs Spices Up Colour Theory

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The latest course to be on offer with Beauty2trs is Color Your Nail Art by Nancy Janssen. “Colour is a power, which directly influences the soul of every nail artist and all nail art work,” comments Nancy. “Even the most simple looking nail art can look incredible with the right colours, but it can also…

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Hazel Dixon Releases Winter Nail Designs

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The Hazel Dixon Academy  has expanded its education repertoire and now offers an array of online classes and workshops available on its Online Education Platform at www.hazeldixonnailartistacademy.com “All the new online education is designed for qualified techs who want to up skill or add new techniques to their existing qualifications,” reveals Hazel Dixon, multi-award winning…

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Glitterbels Expands Education Team

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Under the accomplished eyes of Charli Jepson (Educator of the Year 2018 The Scratch Stars Awards),the Glitterbels education team has been growing and thriving through 2020. A 26-strong team that captures and guides students from Scotland to Northern Ireland and right down to Plymouth in England, the team is now engaging seven-days-a-week from its virtual…

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How to reduce energy bills in the nail salon

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  New small business research has revealed five simple actions that owners in the hospitality sector can take to get control of their energy bills during this difficult time.   A study of UK businesses employing less than 10 people showed that less than half of small business premises have active energy management policies, in…

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NAIL NOTES & QUOTES by nail artist, Hemi Park

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As I write this blog for Scratch, I’m in the air somewhere above the Pacific Ocean flying back home to California from South Korea. I’ve just spent over two months in its capital Seoul, working with Andrea Park of Nailholic magazine and Nailpro Competitions ASIA-Korea. There’s about 40 passengers on this aircraft and everyone is…

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2020 Gothic World Nail Champions Revealed

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The Gothic World Nails 2020 Championship has announced its winners for its month-long online contest. The international nail championship, Gothic World was created and hosted from Russia by Elena Shanskaya and Oksana Shwander in association with the Golden Nail Group. With a mission to invite techs to expand the boundaries of reality, this championship enticed…

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Brexit & Cosmetic Products: What’s Changing?

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CTPA, voice of the cosmetics industry, offers the wisdom of Caroline Rainsford, head of scientific & environmental services, who breaks down Brexit for the beauty industry. Is your salon prepared for upcoming changes to the cosmetics laws? Nail those plans with hints and tips from the CTPA. The UK left the European Union on Friday 31…

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Industry Brands Addressing Planet Pollution

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Plastic Pollution with a Solution By the year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish by weight in the sea. Production of recycled resin uses 85% less energy and emits 75% fewer greenhouse gasses than the production of virgin resin. The Kevin Murphy haircare range uses Ocean Waste Plastic (OWP) for all its product…

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